Frequently Asked Questions
When are the runs?
The runs take place once a month, and the date, time, location and route are posted on instagram.
Where are the runs?
Each run is a unique route, typically starting and stopping at the same location. The exact locations and routes are announced ahead of time on Instagram, including images and locations of the artwork we will stop at.
How fast do you run?
Most runs average a 10 minute per mile pace. We stick together, we regroup frequently, we keep it casual and nobody is ever left behind. Our runs are meant to be social events, so if you are out of breath, you are running too fast.
How long are the runs?
We typically run about 4-5 miles, and start/stop at the same location. We stop many times along the way, and take breaks at each piece of art to learn and discuss the artworks.
Is there somewhere I can stash clothes/valuables?
Sometimes. While we occasionally start/stop at retail locations such as Philadelphia Runner that offer an opportunity to leave some items behind, most of the time we meet at parks or public spaces, and therefore we recommend that you only bring your essentials and carry them with you during the run.
Can I bike the route instead of running it?
Can I bring my dog?
Absolutely, yes!